how to replacing the screen on a laptop

how to replacing the screen on a laptop

Video Demonstration - Screen Replacement (9 min) Hello everyone, we're here to talk about replacing the screen of our laptop. Now we can focus exactly on our LCD or LED screen here that's inside of this bezel, or we can focus on removing the entire laptop display. So we're going to go through a little bit of both. So to get started, the first thing I want to do is to remove this top panel here on my laptop. This is where my power buttons are, as well as where my capacitive touch for my audio. To do that, I'm going to close my laptop lid, turn it upside down and we have a couple of screws to remove. The screws you need to worry about are going to be these three right here. So I'll remove those screws and then we'll continue. With these three screws removed, I can turn my laptop back over, and I will open it up, we can take a look at removing the power and audio panel. Now to do this, we got to worry about something. There's a couple of those ZIF zero insertion force connectors. Let’s zoom in and take a look at what we can do with that. All right, with our zoomed in view, we've got our power control over here, then we've got our audio control over there. These are both using ZIF connectors, which are zero insertion force. So very easily, and with minimal effort, I just take my flat head screwdriver and I'll pull up on that ZIF connector I can pull that ribbon cable right out. And do it again over here for my audio control. This one is almost buried under there but same thing, I just pull up lightly on the ZIF connector, and pull that cable right out. With the cable pulled out for both of those regarding this top panel, now I can take my flathead screwdriver and I can get in there and I can pop that panel out. With the top panel removed, you can take a look underneath, and you can actually see how our laptop display is hooked on to the rest of the system. So we're going to zoom in on this and take a look at some of those screws that we can remove if we wanted to remove the entire display. Here in this top-left corner, we can actually see the laptop hinge, and they're is one of the Torx screws that I'd have to remove in order to remove this laptop display. On the other side, if I were to shift the laptop over, we'll see here is the other hinge, and again over here, this is a screw that is holding on this entire laptop display, and that's not it, there're more, let me back out and I'll show you. On the back side of my laptop, there's also another screw just holding on for that laptop display with the hinge. If I slide it over, on the other corner, we've got the exact same thing. Another screw that is holding that laptop hinge on. So if you didn't want to remove the entire laptop display, which includes the laptop top casing and all, you would remove all of those screws, and we would go to lift the display off. Before you can lift the display off, we'll take a closer look at this motherboard one more time and what's connected to it. If I had to remove those four screws holding on those hinges, two on this side and two on the other side, you wouldn't be done. I couldn't just lift it off, we have over here is the laptop LCD display cable. We'd have to physically pull up on this and remove it from the connector on the system board, also right above that LCD display cable, I've got multiple black wires. These black wires here go for the wireless antenna that go to the top of my display. Over here on the right side, I've got multiple wires. These three wires are all also for wireless antennas based off of your laptop, you might even have things like microphones as well as even for a webcam so keep that in mind, these connectors are things that we would remove from the wireless cards, like we've done before, and we would use those connectors and un-cable them from these little troughs here, which is the plastic frame in order to be able to pull that entire display off the laptop. Now let's continue on, we're just talking about the exact screen itself, and how we'd remove the LCD screen from my laptop. With this different view of our laptop, here we're going to take a look at removing and replacing the LCD screen itself, not the entire laptop display that just talked about. To do this, we have these rubber pads here,my laptop has four of them. Now at first you need to remove the rubber pads and underneath them are screws that are holding this bezel on top of that screen, so I'll go ahead and do that now. With our zoomed in view you can see me take my flathead screwdriver and just pop that rubber foot off, and there is that screw underneath and I'll just zoom out and do this three other times. With all four screws exposed, now I can remove those screws and get access to the bevel of my laptop. My four screws are removed, now I'm going to use my flathead screwdriver and I'm going to lightly pry out one of the corners. Now please follow the manual for your laptop specifically, mine requires a little bit of minimal force here to try to pry out a corner. With that corner out, I can just lightly go around this bezel, and I can just pop it out of the display. At this point at the top, I actually have to use my slider in order to unlock the laptop and remove that display, because those locks are stuck in the laptop locking mechanism. And now that my bezel is off, we have access to the LCD display where there is lots of screws to take account here as well as if we look closely, we will see the connectors that come down to the system board and also the connectors that go to the inverter that's taking care of our power for the display as well. Now I've shifted the laptop so we can take a look at our display up here, and at first glance, you're like there is a lot of screws to remove to get this LCD display off this casing. Well, oddly enough, we only have one screw to remove here, and then over here, we have four screws. One, two, three, four. Let me show you these four on the side and how we're going to access them. To access those four screws, I tilt my laptop on the side, and we actually see here, you'll see these slot covers, and these are again, little rubber covers that we have here, but this time, these are covering screws. So we either try to peel them off using a flathead screwdriver on this side, or what we can do is when you see those screws, push the covers out from this side over here. You see it lifts the cover up, with that cover lifted up, then you can take them off. So I'm going to go ahead and remove the four covers then I'm going to unscrew those four screws and take it off of the side. With our four screws out on the side, we'll now remove our last and final screw, the fifth screw out from my display what I can do now, is I can actually lift up this display if you can't get your finger under it, it's okay to use something like a flat tool to lift up, and now this display is completely detached of any screw, what's holding it in place though, at the bottom, is what we mentioned before, I've got my connection which goes to my inverter, I've got my main LCD connection which goes back to the board as well. With all those removed, I'd be able to lift this display right out and put in a new display. After dropping in the new display, I would put those screws back in that we just removed and I'd have a replaced laptop LCD screen. Make sure you consult your manual for these steps, every laptop is going to be different and please make sure you choose the correct specifications for the screen that you're replacing. So take your time, do your


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